Words, The Most Valuable Aspect of Your Site
Now that we’ve established a little about what quality content is, it’s time to discuss how it works to help your site.
Not just to earn traffic, but to earn those dollars too.
Quality content is essential in all facets of a website, from headlines to the about page, every word of the copy should be geared toward making your site more useable and generating sales.
Obvious Strategy
Creative, quality content is a key component in any marketing and should be designed to:
Why Content Helps
Every site needs content for one simple reason; text is essential for keywords to appear on the page. And keywords are what the search engines look for to categorize and display your site.
The idea is to have enough keyword placement, while at the same time providing useful information and original content. It has to be a balance that satisfies both the search engines and the readers.
In the end the readers are the consumers, and that makes them the important part.
Why You Need Search Engine Love
Search engines provide your traffic, so generating consistent, keyword-rich content keeps your site earning traffic for a good spread of terms.
Specific keyword placement without compromising ideas means structured posts and a knowledge of marketing, paired with an interesting spin on the subject matter.
Why You Need Your Customers More
From a marketing perspective, no amount of traffic helps if the consumer isn’t biting.
Ultimately content needs to be consumer-friendly by being:
Well-written content makes it easy for the consumer to understand, purchase and use the product or service your website is selling. Every page, post and article should do this by answering these three key questions:
1) What action should the consumer take?
2) How can the consumer be persuaded to take that action?
3) What does the consumer need in order to take action?
As you can see quality content is more than just snazzy writing. Have a look at my services, contact me and get started today.
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How Quality Content Helps Your Site